Thursday, May 2, 2024

My Favorite Friend

 I remember Friends being on, 1994-2004. Honestly I wasn't a very loyal viewer. I didn't really get into it until they were in mid-life. Then I watched it off and on until the last 2, 3 seasons. I remember my Aunt being a big dedicated fan. I definitely remember the hype of Jennifer Aniston's romance with Brad Pitt and Courteney Cox's romance with David Arquette being splashed over on every media magazine possible. It wasn't until after it ended when I became a 'dedicated' fan when I collected the entire run of seasons on DVD. I remember one particular birthday while there was a Hurricane (Jeanne) visiting and I spent the entire day watching a marathon of Friends. Chandler (played by Matthew Perry) was my favorite male Friend, Phoebe (played by Lisa Kudrow) was my favorite female Friend. I felt more relatable with Chandler, a female version of Chandler I sometimes felt. Especially the humor and fear of commitment (unlike Chandler, I wasn't in many romantic relationships, never been married - and I'm fine with it.... or maybe I am the female version of Matthew Perry? Minus the drug and alcohol addiction). Whatever relating it may be, I was definitely drawn to Chandler and Matthew. I definitely found Matthew to be a very handsome man, attractive. 

I wouldn't call myself a dedicated fan of Matthew's, though I did see Fools Rush In (my high school even played the movie on those "off" days; I remember one summer a teacher would have movie day once a week) and his guest appearance on Scrubs is one of my favorite Scrubs episodes (which he directed, including co-staring with his father, John Bennett Perry). I also watched The Kennedy's After Camelot just to watch Matthew - it turned out to be his final acting role before a series of drug addiction and health scares took its toll. I just recently binged into his version of The Odd Couple (too bad it only lasted three seasons, I enjoyed it; Thomas Lennon did a great Felix). I watched the Friends reunion with a dear friend of mine. Poor Matthew had just gotten his teeth yanked out due to their bad conditions and was replaced by fake teeth. The pain he must've felt - his face did look twisted in pain. Of course the criticism over his drug addiction was there, believing he was strung out. Luckily for Matthew, there were paparazzi photos of  him going to the Dentist to help back him up. The taping of Friends reunion happened almost a year after Covid (2021) and this was a done deal; Matthew had to muster all this strength to make it and pretend he was fine while his jaw/mouth was on fire. He did look happy to be there. Bless him.

In November of 2022, Matthew published his memoir. I remember him being on the cover of People magazine and buying it - he looked so good. Never would I ever thought we would have lost him almost a year later. I didn't buy his book when it came out. I did intend to, but, honestly, me going to a bookstore went from (past) going weekly to (present) every few months. I could've ordered online, sure, but usually I reserve that for vintage books that you can't find in a bookstore or the library. His memoir was the Best Seller, so Matthew enjoyed its success, making appearances and book tours (unfortunately not in my area). A year later, almost exactly to the date his memoir was published, it went back on the #1 Best Seller list - second year in a row ... unfortunately, he wasn't here to see a new popularity the second time around. For some reason, when a (especially beloved) celebrity dies, their work catalog gets popular again. 

Hearing the news of his death ... At first, it was almost like a shrug off, Oh well type. I was washing dishes. The news sunk in deeply afterwards, and the grief also went deep. The news was becoming more real by the second, I soon watched live TikToks of outside his home as it was happening - his body was still there. By 2 AM my time, I had to cut it off as I had to get up to go to work. I did debate to take a day off.... then I said nope, as I thought it would look ridiculous to take someone's death, someone I never met, seriously to take a day off. I pushed those days during that first week through - but I didn't hide my sadness. I was more quieter than usual, my students noticed my mood - some hugged me without snowing other than their teacher was very sad. I don't think I have felt this devastated since Robin Williams in 2014 where a celebrity death will just come to you and suddenly punch in the stomach, wounded enough not to eat much.

At this time, it's been over 6 months since Matthew passed away and he's been on my mind since. I'm starting to think he's craving his initials "MLP Here 4 Life" into my brain tissue. 


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

I Stand With Isabel

There's been something I have been wanting to share about Isabel Gillies THINK blog post regarding a meltdown over her former character, Kathy Stabler. I took my time not to write out my feelings immediately after she posted as I wanted time to think, let dust settle, and be sure of change. 
Last year, NBC announced they were spinning a new Law and Order spin off series through Special Victims Unit, called Law and Order: Organized Crime. The television show would star Christopher Meloni as Elliot Stabler returning back after 10 years after departing from SVU in 2011. Naturally, questions of what happened to Elliot during that time were asked (and answered on April 1, 2021), including what was the status of his marriage. There were assumptions that Elliot and Kathy got divorced - Christopher was clever enough to hide his left hand during location shots in between takes to leave us guessing. The synopsis of Organized Crime was Elliot returning to NYPD (after being an international liaison on their behalf in Rome) after a devastating loss. Naturally it became a guessing game. Would it be Kathy, his wife? If they're still together, or not? Would it be one of his five children? Would it be his mother? Although, clues were clear that it was going to be Kathy, my favorite recurring character, so, I braced myself after a moment of having my blood boil and knowing EO/Bensler shippers would throw a celebration as now Elliot and Olivia Benson (play by Mariska Hargitay) can finally get together. I have posted about this before some years back; short version of that story is that Kathy was not a favorite as she was the road block, keeping the love struck detectives apart. Kathy's only crime to be hated was being Mrs. Elliot Stabler. Obviously, I didn't feel that way. I loved Elliot and Kathy together, they had sweet moments, some passionate, some problems - yes - like any marriage. I also didn't see anything wrong with Kathy. She was nice, sweet, trying to live with a cop who is a workaholic. And having an attractive female (single) partner didn't help Kathy's insecurity and fear that Elliot would either leave her for Olivia, or Elliot and Olivia were having an affair (which they did not; Elliot was faithful to Kathy). Anyway, the day came for the big crossover event for SVU and OC on April 1, 2021! We learned that Elliot and Kathy were indeed still very married and had moved to Italy after his departure from SVU; they returned to New York for Elliot to do some business and it coincide with Olivia receiving an award for her achievements. Kathy really wanted to go ... why? Well, that remains to be seen, but, the catch was this letter Elliot had given to Olivia after Kathy had died ... okay, I jumped ahead there. Yes, apparently attempting to leave for the award ceremony, Elliot got distracted by a phone call so he gave Kathy the keys to their rental car... as Kathy was about to go in, the car exploded! Kathy got thrown and burned, very critically injured. As she got loaded into the ambulance, Olivia arrived at the scene after getting notified for help while on her way to her award ceremony. We took off with the reunion of Elliot and Olivia and eventually Kathy dies from her injuries. 

Okay, now for this complicated letter. In Organized Crime pilot, Olivia gave Elliot whatever evidence and reports she had regarding Kathy's murder case and was given an envelope of a letter Elliot said he wrote but opted not to speak at her award ceremony as he isn't the type of doing public speaking. Since then until (mystery air date), a majority of viewers wanted to know what was in that letter. It was written before Kathy's death, but could it be a love letter? Could Elliot be confessing his true feelings of love for his former partner? Well, you can say yes, it was. But, there was a big twist: it was actually Kathy's idea and Kathy dictating to Elliot of writing that whatever feelings they may have for one another wasn't real, that he wished her the best of luck, blah blah blah (I honestly don't know word by word of it as I wasn't, and still am not, obsessed over it). When the letter discussion happened, Elliot was working undercover and got drugged by a roofie that was slipped in his mouth. He found his way to Olivia's apartment and wanted to talk about the letter.... something Olivia attempted to do with Elliot at the end of the Organized Crime pilot but he blew her off. However, after Kathy was done dictating and went off after Elliot sealed the envelope, he reopened the letter and added that in a parallel universe it would always be Elliot and Olivia. Yeah, I'm not happy about how this is going but that's... I really don't want to get into that. And it's not really the reason why I'm writing this. Prior to the air date of the letter reveal, Christopher Meloni did warn that the letter reveal would cause an uproar, and he wasn't wrong! An uproar it did cause and viewers took to Twitter to let it out. Kathy became the ultimate enemy number one. Many were happy she died, wanted to dance on her grave, wanted to give Angela and Richard Wheatley (who murdered Kathy) high fives and an expensive celebratory dinner party. Those tweets got a hold of Isabel's Twitter handle and she saw that Kathy was trending. With natural curiosity, Isabel saw those tweets. At first, she shrugged it off, maybe did a chuckle or two, I mean, it wasn't serious.... until it got serious.
You see, I have been in the SVU fandom for a lot of years during its 23+ seasons run. I have been part of forums, groups, and other platforms as part of the fandom. I have seen quite enough of Kathy hate, or "I love Kathy but not with Elliot" types. I have had my share of wars with the EO/Bensler fandom, defending Kathy and her own love story with Elliot. I may have been in the minority, but I was and still am definitely proud to be part of it and not shy away from it. My take on Kathy's part of this letter thing was that she was only trying to hold her family and her marriage together, she wasn't being vindictive, gaslighting, or whatever else she's been accused of doing to keep Elliot and Olivia apart. I think if Elliot is truly in love with Olivia as everyone else (particularly Richard Wheatley) says he is, then he could've let the divorce Kathy had filed in seasons 6-8 be final to have his chance with Olivia. He had his chance! But, no, Elliot opted to go over to Kathy's house to want to come home and in the process, he got Kathy pregnant with Eli. There's been times since that letter reveal that I kinda wished Kathy slammed the door on Elliot ... at least she would've still be alive! Before the letter and when the countdown was going on for Elliot's return to television, we kinda already knew Kathy was going to be the one that dies, I saw tweets of EO/Bensler shippers excited that Kathy would be smokey confetti, wanting to throw a party of her demise, and when I call them out on the cruelty, they would claim it was a "joke". Yeah, sure. Jokes. It got to the point where I felt compelled to warn Isabel of what she and her character would be in for with these passionate fans. It will not be a pretty sight, I can tell you that. Isabel took it in stride (we converse privately),  and for a time it was okay, despite the joy of Kathy's death, Isabel did get praise for her performance from all sides, and she carried on with her life free from L&O commitments now that her character is dead (although Isabel did return as Kathy for Organized Crime episode to appear on security surveillance on the car bomb). Next thing she knew, the peace became an uproar circus when the letter reveal happened. 

Here's the link of Isabel's post on receiving hate over her TV character: T.H.I.N.K.

I did warn her! She finally got to see firsthand of what I have been going through for many years in the SVU fandom, she saw the ugly side. Of course, I felt sorry for Isabel to see all that cruel tweets but I am glad she spoke up about that. 
On her blog, she posted the picture of her image with a note that said this, 'this girl is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met...". As it turned out, the note itself was from the movie Mean Girls and was made into a meme with her image getting pasted on. Well, Isabel did not know that as she never saw Mean Girls. In truth, neither have I although I have heard of the movie; I did see that particular tweet myself and knew it was spliced together. As a fan, it hurt while scrolling, but I wasn't surprised either. After Isabel posted that, the person who originally posted the Mean Girl meme started receiving death threats while defending herself of why she posted that. Despite my own feelings about that hurtful meme, I don't think she deserved death threats - that's way too much. I have had my share of heated arguments with EO/Bensler shippers, but never have I ever made a death threat. I just eventually blocked, as they do with me. 
I believe the main reason why people dislike Kathy (including the viewers who doesn't want Elliot and Olivia together) is because we don't know her. We know Elliot well, Olivia, we know their favorite foods, color, the kind of music they listen to, there's a connection. We don't know Kathy's favorite color, or favorite shape of pasta. All we really knew was Kathy was a wife and mother. I do know Kathy's favorite food was Italian, seeing how happy she was going to an Italian restaurant in season one and living in Rome for about a decade, she loved it so much that Elliot said Rome was Kathy's place in the now deleted scene of Organized Crime's first episode as well in the murder trial episode of getting an Italian lunch to celebrate her belated birthday. Even Isabel once said in 2018, "Still, sometimes I feel like Kathy didn’t really get a chance to be a whole person. Sometimes I made up stuff in my head to fill her out. I always hoped people were pulling for her, but I never really knew." Out of 23 and counting seasons with over 500 episodes (and counting), Kathy has only been in 32 episodes; and she's been the "star" in two of them: Paternity and Return of the Prodigal Son. Paternity was when Kathy gave birth to Eli after being in a car crash with Olivia. Isabel's onscreen time succeeded over 20 minutes than the typical 3 minutes, one scene, maybe 2 if lucky, small part. As Isabel puts it, she was the 10th banana on the show. It has tiers of top billing of the main cast, then regulars, then recurring with judges, lawyers, doctors, forensics, and, at the bottom of the list: family. As for Return of the Prodigal Son, although the episode centered around Kathy's car bombing investigation and her ultimate death, the show once again put Isabel in the 10th banana spot. Kathy was onscreen in 3 scenes: going to the ambulance after the car bomb, being questioned by Olivia, and suffering from cardiac arrest (maybe 4 if you count the one Elliot and Olivia arriving outside her room, Kathy was sleeping). Her longest scene was with Olivia and it was less than 5 minutes. I get the tier importance thing: Olivia is now the star, Elliot and Olivia's reunion was the top billing and most anticipated event. Isabel definitely gets high praise for those two episodes with her performances - she's no slacker and can keep her toes up with Chris and Mariska, no matter the time gap.
I just find it a real shame that Kathy was picked to be the one that dies in order for Elliot to have his own show. I was originally rooting for Elizabeth because she was (and still is) the least seen, used, barely any lines, and more of a background prop. But then there was talk on how Elliot was originally going to come on by using Kathy with Dickie or Eli mixed in with troublemakers; Kathy was going to turn to Olivia for help, Elliot was "away" from everything, including his family (naturally some people took that as divorce "proof" but another thought was Elliot being deep undercover). So, my guess went from Elizabeth to one of the boys. I also thought with Elliot as a focus on the show, we could finally learn more about Kathy, that Isabel would finally have more scenes lasting a most half an hour instead of blink-or-miss appearance, that her place in the tier would have gotten promoted to regular character rather than an once in a blue moon recurring. As it turned out, it was my beloved Kathy who bit the dust, so we lost all opportunities of her interact her teenage Eli, to see her with Kathleen (Allison Siko since SVU season 3) and Dickie (Jeffrey Scaperrotta since SVU season 1), including the brand new faces of Maureen and Elizabeth, and with her mother in law Bernadette (played by Ellen Burstyn), who Kathy had a great off screen relationship. Including her grandchildren! It just doesn't seem fair. And it doesn't seem fair for people to dislike Kathy all because she was married to Elliot and not able for him to hook up with Olivia. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand about disliking/hating a character; I have my list, however, I tend to dislike for reasons like hypocrisy/selective memory, arrogant, narcissism, doing something unforgivable and no redeeming qualities. Plus, there's over-acting and under-acting. Maybe some do feel that way other than being the "cock-blocker" between Elliot and Olivia, okay, fine, I can respect that. As I have learned, you can't make everyone happy. 
Anyway, I hope as Organized Crime seasons unfolds that we can still learn about Kathy as a whole person before eventually fading away into oblivion.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Bernard Pivot Questionnaire by James Lipton

If you were interviewed by the late James Lipton, what would be your responses to Bernard Pivot's top 10 questions?

1. What is your favorite word? 

2. What is your least favorite word? 

3. What turns you on? 
Ferraro Roche

4. What turns you off?

5. What sound or noise do you love? 
The Beatles

6. What sound or noise do you hate? 

7. What is your favorite curse word? 

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? 

9. What profession would you not like to do? 
Being famous for nothing

10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? 
“I found your cat” (Snowball)

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Where is My Life?

Fed up with my patience
turning to my conscience
trashing around the bay
without knowing what to say

Everybody telling me the story
wishing for all the glory
in my life to be perfect
however I am away causing a conflict
crying in vain
feeling my tears drain
closing my eyes from the lecture
dizzy from this torture

Wanting to be left alone
biting my skin down to the bone
trumbling with anger
risking the edge towards the danger

Lost in the words of the sea
not letting me to be free
trying to make me do what I don't want to do
they don't get my clue

They are trying to make me crack
by putting me in the sack
trapped because I won't break down
digging into my soul to the ground
letting me drown in my blood
creating an emotional flood

Stealing my misery in space
not wanting to look at my own face
sorrow has reached my eye
listening to my heart cry
crawling away in gravel
hoping that the tension unravel

Depressed most of the time
increasing the thoughts in my mind
alone in the darkness with a knife
Where is my life?

Written in 2002.
I wouldn't say I was being suicidal... overdramatic, but not suicidal. At the time, I was around 21 years old and still wasn't driving. My whole family was flabbergasted to put it kindly. They had all gotten their licenses when they were 15, 16 years old and here I was, 21 and no license. Unlike them, I just did not want to drive. I was scared. I was, and still is, the only one who lived near busy streets and those are not easy to practice on! The rest of them were raised and lived in areas that were quiet, residential. Plus, a guy that I had a massive crush on died in a car accident when he was 17 (I was 16) so that really put a damper on driving. It took me until I was 22 to finally get a license. I like going at my own speed and apparently my own speed never impress my family's qualifications. I suppose it's safe to say that I am the black sheep of my family? The weirdo.

My Imagination

I have a strange imagination
very hard to explain the ideas
Pretending to be someone else
in another time era
Pretending to invent someone in fiction
trying to picture of what the future would bring
Having my own little world
a place to escape and relax
To be able to smile and create
up to the temperature to the right degree
Reaching up to my imagination
knowing that my mind is a thousand of miles away
Rephrasing a memory
eyes replacing it's vision from the real world
To the fantasy world
a feel to make you feel small
a dream that makes you feel big
Imagination that no one can control
it's mine only
no one else to have
My feelings of happiness and pain
trying to search to get out
My imagination is a dream
a far away look in my eyes
It takes me longer to reach reality
my very own imagination
to shine like a star
to slide down the rainbow
Bright as a sun
glowing like the moon
A far cry from the special destiny
a dream that can not be taken away
Something to have is a part of you
sometimes it's hard to understand
only I could
My imagination contain things
some that will never happen
Crying and laughter is in
like a butterfly flapping it's wings
spreading it's color, like a peacock
Ideas come fresh to the head
never to forget that piece of mind
wherever when it blossoms
The events can go on for months
maybe even a year or two
The pain to reach down under
hopefully to disappear
To love or to hate
questions will come at any point
Just my imagination
only I could bring it to myself
The keys to success of hard work
only steps have to be taken
time by time
Crossroads will happen in life
joining to steal of togetherness
Stories form together in the head
My imagination
which is only just for me

Originally written in 1998, revised in 2002.
When I was writing poems in those days, I was trying to be suave, like I knew my way around words, and jotting down things that came to mind. It sounded great at the time. Today? Well, other than thinking that I was showing off over 20 years ago, I have to say that it's still not that far off either. My imagination is still just that- my faraway getaway.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Running Against the Rain

A feeling grew inside of her
she grabbed my hand for support
So we ran outside to hide
a strange look on his face
Running down on the damp cement
across the rocky street
a shoe flew across the field
Rain poured down like sharp needles
the moon disappeared behind the clouds
no light was shown anywhere
Thunder pounded against the dark sky
lightning got closer and closer
No shelter was around to protect us
his steps grew louder and louder
we continued to run, fast
She tripped down the rock
tears, water, and blood dripped down
from her fact to her princess gown
I didn't know what to do
leaves caught in my hair
she wanted to bury herself
He approached us, slowly and carefully
She was scared
Suddenly, he put his arms around her
she put her limp body on him
I watched, crying
he whispered in her ear
she was holding him tight
The rain poured down their drenched clothes
I left, leaving them alone
I looked back
they were kissing on the wet grass
I walked across the field
back towards the house
My princess gown was in ruins
my curls were in knots
my shoes were lost somewhere in the wind
but I was happy
after I got into the house to join the party
I looked out of the window
they were still there
holding each other with a passion
the moment was unforgettable
feeling so real
I sat down on the sofa, wet
mesmerized by the scenery
The rain grew stronger by the minute
thunder and lightning were bolted around
the party was panicking and pacing
I ignored them, looking at my dear friend
who was once frighten of her boyfriend
but now, she is all right
finally returning to her engagement party
that has always been her dream

Originally written in 1999, got reworked done in 2002.
I must have been reading too many romance novels or something at the time? Heavily influenced by Stevie Nicks and I was trying to write a romance novel in poem form.

It's Only Sunday

Waking up in the morning
I could hear the day that started hours before
staring at the ceiling
asking myself, "What should I wear?"
I got up from my bed
I turned around to look at my pillow
it looked so welcoming
"Why not?" I asked myself
and so I went back down
it's only the weekend anyway
so why not?
It's probably some time early afternoon
but I don't care
I am very comfortable
my fairy tale dreams came back to life
through my closed eye lids
back to the wonders of daydreaming
I play another person
or I make believe
Why not stay here for the rest of the day?
It's only Sunday
the last day of the weekend
a day to rest for tomorrow
A day that is meant to rest our body
sorry to the early birds
I'm very comfortable
nothing will move me
Besides, it's only Sunday

Written in 1998
And yes, I loved sleep. I still do. Not a morning person here!